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Exceptions raised by the source iterable are passed through stream_unzip unchanged. Other exceptions are in the stream_unzip module, and derive from its UnzipError.

Exception hierarchy

  • UnzipError

    Base class for all explicitly-thrown exceptions

    • InvalidOperationError

      • UnfinishedIterationError

        The unzipped chunks iterator of a member file has not been iterated to completion.

    • UnzipValueError (also inherits from the ValueError built-in)

      Base class for errors relating to invalid arguments

      • PasswordError

        • MissingPasswordError

          A file requires a password, but it was not supplied.

          • MissingZipCryptoPasswordError

            A file is legacy (ZipCrypto/Zip 2.0) encrypted, but a password was not supplied.

          • MissingAESPasswordError

            A file is AES encrypted, but a password was not supplied.

        • IncorrectPasswordError

          An incorrect password was supplied. Note that due to nature of the ZIP file format, some incorrect passwords would not raise this exception, and instead raise a DataError, or even in pathalogical cases, not raise any exception.

          • IncorrectZipCryptoPasswordError

            An incorrect password was supplied for a legacy (ZipCrypto/Zip 2.0) encrypted file.

          • IncorrectAESPasswordError

            An incorrect password was supplied for an AES encrypted file.

        • EncryptionMechanismNotAllowed

          Base class for errors where a member file is encountered with an encryption mechanism that is not allowed according to the allowed_encryption_mechanisms parameter. Not being encrypted at all is classed as an encryption mechanism.

          • FileIsNotEncrypted

            The current member file in the ZIP is not encrypted, but NO_ENCRYPTION was not passed as in the allowed_encryption_mechanisms parameter to allow this.

          • ZipCryptoNotAllowed

            The current member file is encrypted with the ZipCrypto mechanim, but ZIP_CRYPTO was not passed in the allowed_encryption_mechanisms to allow this.

          • AE1NotAllowed

            The current member file is encrypted with AE-1, but AE_1 was not passed in the allowed_encryption_mechanisms to allow this.

          • AE2NotAllowed

            The current member file is encrypted with AE-2, but AE_2 was not passed in the allowed_encryption_mechanisms

          • AES128NotAllowed

            The current member file is encrypted with AES 128, but AES_128 was not passed in the allowed_encryption_mechanisms to allow this.

          • AES192NotAllowed

            The current member file is encrypted with AES 192, but AES_192 was not passed in the allowed_encryption_mechanisms to allow this.

          • AES256NotAllowed

            The current member file is encrypted with AES 256, but AES_256 was not passed in the allowed_encryption_mechanisms to allow this.

      • DataError

        An issue with the ZIP bytes themselves was encountered.

        • UnsupportedFeatureError

          A file in the ZIP uses features that are unsupported.

          • UnsupportedFlagsError

          • UnsupportedCompressionTypeError

          • UnsupportedZip64Error

            A Zip64 member file has been encounted but support has been disabled.

          • NotStreamUnzippable

            A member file has been encounted that is not stream unzippable.

            The only way to address this is to change how the member file is created. It must either be created compressed, or without using a “data descriptor”, or if the file has a non-zero length its length must be given in the “local header” of the member file.

        • UncompressError

          • BZ2Error

            An error in the bz2-compressed data meant it could not be decompressed.

          • DeflateError

            An error in the deflate-compressed data meant it could not be decompressed.

        • IntegrityError

          • HMACIntegrityError

            The HMAC integrity check on AES encrypted bytes failed

          • CRC32IntegrityError

            The CRC32 integrity check on decrypted and decompressed bytes failed.

          • SizeIntegrityError

            • UncompressedSizeIntegrityError

              The amount of uncompressed bytes of a member file did not match its metadata.

            • CompressedSizeIntegrityError

              The amount of compressed bytes of a member file did not match its metadata.

        • TruncatedDataError

          The stream of bytes ended unexpectedly.

        • UnexpectedSignatureError

          Each section of a ZIP file starts with a signature, and an unexpected one was encountered.

        • MissingExtraError

          Metadata known as extra that some ZIP files require is missing.

          • MissingAESExtraError
        • TruncatedExtraError

          Metadata known as extra that some ZIP files require is present, but too short.

          • TruncatedZip64ExtraError

          • TruncatedAESExtraError

        • InvalidExtraError

          Metadata known as extra that some ZIP files require is present, long enough, but holds an invalid value.

          • InvalidAESKeyLengthError

            AES key length specified in the ZIP is not any of 1, 2, or 3 (which correspond to 128, 192, and 256 bits respectively).